Pietro Ichino
Gilda Ciaruffoli
Giulio Castagnaro
17 x 24 cm
224 pp.
The world of work changes quickly: jobs disappear and people
reinvent themselves, change and transform. New technologies,
social, demographic, political, environmental and cultural
changes have a significant impact on the job market and its
evolution. Above all, in the course of life they can have many
jobs and different careers. This book speaks about 101 jobs that
will be born in the near future. What are the jobs that do not yet
exist and will be created in the future? How can the youngest
educate themselves? What will be important to know and what
skills will be needed? 101 illustrations, both infographics and
drawings, will guide the young reader to find out more about
each profession, the ideal skills to carry out that particular job
and a hypothesis of a training path that can help them in the
possible choice of studies.